Legal documents

By logging in and continuing to use the service, you agree and accept to be bound by the relevant applicable documentation for each user type of HolidayActivities services.


If you are a recipient (that is, you have received an invite to attend a Holiday Activity), by continuing to use our service you agree to the following legal documentation:

  1. Terms of Service
  2. Terms of Use
  3. Privacy Notice
  4. Complaints Policy


If you are purchaser of our HolidayActivities services (for example, you are a local authority, school or other relevant organisation who is using our platform), by continuing to use our service you agree to the following legal documentation:

  1. Purchaser Terms
  2. Terms of Use
  3. Data Sharing Agreement
  4. Privacy Notice
  5. Complaints Policy

Event Organiser

If you are an event organiser of a holiday activity, by continuing to use our service you agree to the following legal documentation:

  1. Terms of Service
  2. Terms of Use
  3. Data Sharing Agreement
  4. Privacy Notice
  5. Complaints Policy